
Our Inman Park Neighborhood
The Atlanta Journal and Constitution just published an article about our neighborhood, Inman Park. We are at the edge of the neighborhood, in that the

Gardening Through Lockdown
We hate not being able to have guests during this lockdown, but Duane is 79 and we have two grandbabies, a 4-month old and a

Top Secret Urban Oasis Granola Recipe
One of the favorites on the Urban Oasis Breakfast menu is our homemade granola. Our guests are always asking me how to make it so

Saga of The Urban Oasis: Before, During & After The Real World Atlanta 2019
In mid-February 2019, we packed up every single thing and moved out of our house. Actually, we had movers who did most of that packing

Everything to Eat at Krog Street Market
The Krog Street Market is at the corner of our street. It’s a great place to go for a quick bite, a bottle of wine,

Urban Oasis Renovations are Under Way!
As you may or may not know, a reality tv show rented the Urban Oasis for five months back in February to shoot their next

Meet Ollie, Our New Pup at the Oasis
Ollie the Sheepadoodle joined our family on April 15th, 2018. We had to say goodbye to Craig on Valentine’s Day this year, which left Otis

Ready for a Dip?
We are so excited about the new swimming pool at the Urban Oasis. It is just in time to take the edge off of a

Started with Succulents
I decided to try my hand at making a Succulent garden in pots. I ended up with quite a few. Now, I just have to

Love Me Some Spring Flowers! Truly an Oasis!
I wish I could say these were all my flowers but no it isn’t true. They came from the Carter Center Freedom Parkway Farmer’s Market

Simple Pleasures at the Urban Oasis
I love how our disco ball throws polka dots on the chartreuse wall in the mornings. #simplepleasures #happy

Inman Park and The Old Fourth Ward are Rocking and Rolling!
It is hard to believe what is happening all around the Urban Oasis. We are ground zero in the most walkable neighborhoods in Atlanta, Inman