This afternoon, a man called me to ask about staying with us for 10 days. When someone is going to be with us for a longer stay, I like to make sure it will be a good fit. So while we were getting to know each other a bit, I asked how he felt about dogs since we have two big dogs. He asked, “How big?” and it was clear he was afraid of dogs so I told him this wouldn’t be a good place for him.
My husband, Duane, and I live at the Urban Oasis and our two Sheepadoodles, Ollie and Charlie live here with us.

Ollie, (white with black ears) has been here as a pup and is a very savvy B and B dog. Charlie, (black and gray) is my granddog who came to live with us recently when his parents had a new baby and he needed more attention. Ollie knows not to bark when people first come to the door to check-in. Charlie tends to bark with excitement when people first arrive which can be a bit daunting, especially for non-dog people. However, Charlie is a sweetheart and once he meets you, he settles down and he quits barking at your comings and goings. In fact, it is pretty amazing but neither dog barks when our guests come back after an evening out. It’s like they know they are off-duty!
Some people actually tell me that they decided to stay with us because of the dogs. And, I’ve had some people ask if the dogs can sleep in their rooms (they can’t because they sleep with us). But, they do tend to act as emotional support animals since they just love to be petted by anyone that will pet them. Here is a little gallery of the dogs’ life at the BandB. I’d say they have it pretty good!
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